We would like to present some of the representative projects that we support here. Unfortunately, there are other projects we cannot talk about publicly in order not to endanger our partners. The situation for human rights defenders has become much more difficult in many countries. Harassment and imprisonment are not uncommon.

Defending humanity with courage

Our Amnesty Human Rights Prize

Every two years, Amnesty International awards a Human Rights Prize, which is funded by the Foundation for Human Rights.
The prize honours people who courageously defend human rights, who expose themselves to dangers and repression to help others, who raise their voices where they would otherwise be silenced and who dare to intervene where others look away.

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Menschenrechtsseminar von CARD

CARD wants to help build a network of human rights organisations

A new generation of human rights defenders in Ethiopia

Since September 2023, the Foundation for Human Rights has been supporting the project work of the Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD). We are very pleased with the exemplary training project developed in collaboration with CARD, which aims to educate 180 secondary school students in Addis Abeba about human rights and maintaining these standards.

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„Women for Development“ event

„Women for Development“ in Grozny, Chechnya, Russia

Women worldwide still face a delicate challenge, fighting for their rights. In some countries, it is even becoming increasingly difficult.
In Chechnya, the „Women for Development“ organisation advises women in family law disputes and also ensures their representation in court.

The lawyers active here also give legal lessons in schools and talk about the cases they have taken on. They provide information about options and rights. Because word has not spread everywhere that the rights guaranteed to women in the Russian constitution can actually be claimed. The Human Rights Foundation has been able to support this courageous and valuable work for several years.

Tlachinollan Activists

Mexico: Risking Lives for Human Rights Work

Time and again we read in newspapers about the crime in Mexico; the murders, the drug cartels, the fear. And far too rarely about those who resist the pressure, the threats, and stand up in the face of danger. Abel Barrera founded the Tlachinollan Human Rights Centre in the Mexican state of Guerrero in 1994 and has set himself the task of helping the indigenous population to realise their rights.

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Lawyer Henri Tiphagne

India: People’s Watch

The People’s Watch organisation, founded by Indian lawyer Henri Tiphagne, is one of the most important human rights organisations in his country. Here, too, as is so often the case, the government’s response to the commitment of the human rights activists is often pressure and bullying. Accounts were frozen, employees had to be laid off, programmes had to be discontinued.

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Cyber-Schutz ür Menschenrechtler*innen

Detecting Spy Software

Protecting human rights activists
Supporting the „Security Lab“

Since 2022, the Foundation for Human Rights has been supporting an urgently needed cyber protection project by the Berlin Security Lab. In the digital age, human rights defenders are increasingly exposed to digital attacks. The Security Lab is currently developing a phishing warning app that will enable human rights activists to check whether they have been the victim of phishing.

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Protests for Memorial with YouTube Animations

The Human Rights Centre Memorial in Russia

The human rights centre of the civil and human rights organisation Memorial, founded in 1987, is best known for its intrepid documentation of human rights violations in Chechnya and the former constituent republics of the USSR in the North Caucasus. In 2009, Natalia Estemirova, an employee of the centre, was kidnapped in Chechnya and later found murdered.

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Torture Trial Against a Syrian in Koblenz

Syria: Against Impunity of the Perpetrators – Justice for the Victims!

The film project „From the Inside and Out“ by students of the Konrad Wolf Film University of Babelsberg

People have fled Syria for a variety of reasons, searching for personal safety. Some were fleeing having experienced unimaginable suffering as a result of torture. And some of those responsible for this suffering fled too. In Germany, these two groups are now meeting.

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Exchange of information between the Anti-Torture Committee and the Foundation for Human Rights in Berlin

Crew Against Torture – we support lawyers in Russia

The „Committee against Torture“ was probably the most important anti-torture organisation in the Russian Federation. Four times, the organisation or its respective successor groups were accused of being „foreign agents“ and entered in the relevant register. In June 2022, the committee dissolved. Since then, its activists have continued their work on the abolition of torture in Russia as a „Crew Against Torture“.

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