Our foundation helps human rights defenders all around the world. They need our solidarity. Solidarity against arbitrary violations of rights by those in power. Solidarity in criminal proceedings intended to silence them. Or solidarity by collecting evidence of human rights violations. The Human Rights Foundation is the funding foundation of Amnesty International.
Read more about our goals here

The Foundation Committees

Dr. Martin Moryson and Peter Franck

Board of Directors

The Board is the legal representative of the Foundation. It decides on the concrete allocation of funds within the framework of the priorities set by the Board of Trustees and the budget adopted by the Board of Trustees.

  • Peter Franck, retired judge at the Berlin Court of Appeal, member of Amnesty International since 1977; member of the Board of Directors of the German Section of Amnesty International from 1999 to 2003 and member of the Supervisory Board of the Human Rights Foundation since 2006. Since 2019, Board of Directors of the Human Rights Foundation; responsible for the Foundation’s projects.
  • Dr Martin Moryson, member of Amnesty International since 1980; member of the Board of Directors of the German Section of Amnesty International from 1995 to 1999. Since 2003, Board of Directors of the Human Rights Foundation, responsible for the Foundation’s investments and administration. Martin Moryson works as an economist in Frankfurt and Bonn.

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees monitors compliance with the Articles of Association and the activities of the Board of Directors. It consists of five people. Two of them are elected by the Supervisory Board; the three remaining trustees are appointed by the Board of Directors of the German Section of Amnesty International.

  • Dr. Julia Duchrow (Vorsitzende), Secretary-General of Amnesty International in Germany
  • Dr. Gabriele von Arnim, journalist and writer
  • Regina Droge, journalist and communications consultant
  • Ulrich Lingenthal, Board of Directors of a stock corporation
  • Nadja Malak, Member of the Executive Board of Amnesty International in Germany

The Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board represents the interests of our founders and donors within the Foundation’s mission framework. It also advises the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors. In addition to the founding donors, it is usually possible to become a member of the Supervisory Board if you have donated or contributed at least 10,000 euros. The Supervisory Board elects two of the five trustees and may dismiss the trustees appointed by it.

Markus Beeko, former Secretary-General of Amnesty International in Germany, Spokesperson for the Supervisory Board
Gerhart R. Baum,  Federal Minister of the Interior
Dr. Helga Barten
Margit Gottstein, State Secretary in Berlin
Dr. Hella Horst, Deputy Spokesperson
Dr. Hansjörg Siebels-Horst
Dr. Klaus Lang
Dr. Michael Maier-Borst
Gisela Marx
Reinhard Weißhuhn
Hinrich Westerkamp
Sven Wimmers

Founding Donors

At the time of its establishment, the assets of the „Foundation for Human Rights“ consisted of a sum of around 50,000 euros, which we owe to the following founding donors:

  • Dr Helga Barten, long-time voluntary public relations officer at Amnesty International – Berlin-Brandenburg
  • Gerhart R. Baum, lawyer, Federal Minister of the Interior
  • Volkmar Deile †, Protestant theologian, Secretary-General of the German Section of Amnesty International from 1990 to 1999
  • Dr Klaus Lang, former labour director of Georgsmarienhütte, trade unionist at IG Metall
  • Dr Michael Maier-Borst, member of the staff of the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, member of the Board of Directors of the German Section of Amnesty International from 1994 to 1998
  • Carola Stern †, publicist, co-founder of the German Section of Amnesty International
  • General Mortgage Bank Rheinboden Foundation
  • IG Metall

May 2003: forming the Foundation for Human Rights.
From left: Martin Moryson, Helga Barten, Gerhart Baum, Carola Stern.

Gabriele von Arnim, journalist and writer

„Time and again, when I read articles about people who stand up for human rights under the most difficult conditions, I admire the courage, passion and strength with which they defend their claim to human dignity and bring the often-dangerous fight against disrespect for human rights to the public eye.

And I am so grateful to live in a constitutional state where I can think freely and express what I think. I hope to help – even a little – those who are denied everything we take for granted.“

Margit Gottstein, State Secretary in Berlin

„Working for human rights is becoming increasingly risky across the world. Nevertheless, people fight for respect for human rights on a daily basis. It is their courage and commitment that brings hope to people in many places and ensures that injustice becomes public.

Human rights need a strong civil society. I am glad that the Foundation for Human Rights puts human rights defenders at the centre of its work. In this way, we can contribute concretely to widening the field for action for all human rights defenders against all restrictions and contribute to amplifying their work.“

Helga Barten, founder

„Why do I participate in the Human Rights Foundation?
Because people whose rights are not respected by governments need the support and active help of other people.
Because money is a prerequisite for support.
Because I want to make a contribution to the enforcement and promotion of human rights that will be effective not only now, but also in the future, and help to secure human rights work.“

Peter Benenson, 1921–2005, British lawyer
and founder of Amnesty International

„In the past, the concentration camps and hell holes of the world lay in darkness.“
Peter Benenson


Amnesty International – a portrait

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